What is It and Why It is Important. We need a definition that will narrow it down within very definite limits and yet will enable us to see the breadth of what is included in the total work of evangelism today. Who can do It and How It is Done. How shall we go about dealing with an individual on spiritual things? Our best instruction comes from the master disciple winner, Jesus Christ. Areas of Faulty Thinking on the Part of Christians. Am I good enough? What if I fail? How can I talk to people who have no interest in religion? How can I witness when I do not love souls as I ought? How can I witness when I know little of the Bible? What will I do when I can't answer people's questions? What the Personal Worker Must Be. What equipment is necessary for the work and what are the conditions for success? Making the Approach. What are the things the soul winner must know before making contact? Who is on your contact list and who do you invite to your home or church? Answering Questions and Meeting Objectives. When excuses are made we must know how to overcome them. Often they are just a smoke screen for sin. Reaching the Decision. What are some of the difficulties? What steps should be taken and how can we be sure the decision is intelligent and purposeful. Conserving the Fruits of Evangelism. Having received salvation, how do we follow‑up? It is just the beginning to win someone to Christ.
Dr. Booth served as an instructor of Personal Evangelism on the faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. Prior to joining Fuller Seminary Faculty, Dr. Booth served on the faculty of Barrington Bible College, R.I.. He directed the personal work for new converts in the historic Billy Graham Crusade in London.
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