The Birth of Jesus. Jesus is the most outstanding person in all of history, and indeed is the central figure of all time. Everett Harrison discusses the circumstances, important factors, and prophecy surrounding His birth.
His Early Life. We only have a glimpse of Jesus' boyhood and early life. Enough is told to enable us to know that as a child Jesus had a normal life.
His Temptation. Jesus could not begin to do the work the Father God had commissioned Him to do until He had passed this severe test.
His Early Ministry in Judea and Galilee. Within a few months Jesus had labored in the city of Jerusalem, Samaria, and Galilee. He covered all the main areas of Palestine’s geography at this early stage in His ministry.
His Teachings and Miracles. What are the basic teachings of Jesus? What spiritual legacy has He left for us? Never a man spoke like this man.
The Training of the Twelve Disciples. The command of the Lord is, “Follow Me!” The future of Christianity and God's plan lay with twelve men chosen by Jesus.
Moving Toward Calvary. Lazarus is dramatically raised from the dead by Jesus. He then turns to focus toward Jerusalem while evil men began to plan His destruction. He was the people's champion as He entered the great city.
Upper Room Discourse. Jesus called His disciples together to a private place to eat the famous Last Supper. He washes their feet, teaches them the Lord's Supper, tells of the Holy Spirit to come, says farewell, and goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray and wait.
His Trial and Death. Jesus stood before the leaders of his own nation, and before the Romans, and then they crucified Him.
His Resurrection and Ascension. Every tear of sadness at His death is drowned out by the shouts of joy at His resurrection. Jesus is alive!
Dr. Harrison is Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. He received his Th.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary and his Th.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary. In his early ministry, Dr. Harrison served as a missionary to China. He is widely known for his writings, which include several books: The Son of God Among the Sons of Men, Brief Commentary on John and Introduction to the New Testament. He edited Baker's Dictionary of Theology, was the joint‑editor of the Wycliffe Bible Commentary, and is the New Testament editor of the revision of the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.
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